Saturday, July 20, 2013

Buying Complicated Asian Albums: Part 1

DBSK - Mirotic Ver. A ,B, & C

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While buying a Dong Bong Shin Ki (DBSK) album online from YesAsia, what caught my eye was the “Version A” tack on at the end. Which made me ponder: “there are different versions of this album?” Did a Google research and sure enough Mirotic is packaged in three versions. What is the difference between the three? 

Version A
  • ·         Different photos and color
  • ·         Have a total of 12 songs.
  • ·         Plus a photo book.
Version B
  • ·         Different photos and color
  • ·         Have a total of 10 songs.
  • ·         Plus a DVD.

Version C
  • ·         Different photos and color
  • ·         Have a total of 16 songs
  • ·         Plus a second CD (clean version) (have a total of 17 songs)

Each album version sale price would cost more than the other, and then include the cost for shipping. After comprehending all of this, it made me realizes that fans are being trick into spending a huge chuck of money on international products, or others are just too delusional to realize that. They reason why I think that is because there is a 50/50 percent chance that “some fans” would buy all three versions. Others might not know there is a total of three versions of the same album, and might purchase one version and come to realize they want the other version. In part two, I will discuss marketing issues like: packaging styles, and using the favorite a.k.a bias system.       

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